We work for specific industries. Our questions are highly related to products, service, companies, issues in these fields. As long as you provide complete and credible answers, and you are the first to answer while the question is still open, you will get paid.
Our system only allows one reply to be submitted at a time. The basic principle is: “first come, first serve”, so turn your answers in as soon as you have them. As long as you feel your answer is incomplete, you can save it on the platform, but not submit it. Once you submit it, the question will be set on “in review”, meaning your answer is in examination by us. The examination will be carried out as fast as possible. If it is complete, it will be set on “closed”. Otherwise, it will be opened again, and somebody else can answer. The completeness of your answers, is part of our own evaluation of your profile for future projects. So please try to send complete answers, as soon as you can.
It is very easy. First please Register as an expert on the InDiCu platform. Your anonymous profile with experience and expertise will help us to find relevant projects for you. You also have to sign up with our fiduciary so that we can guarantee payments to your personal account.
If you don’t want to receive payments for your contribution, you can simply never request a payment.
However, in order to submit answers through the platform, you need to sign up and agree to the terms and conditions.
If selected, we will send you (on the e-mail account you gave us during your sign up) a project invitation. You can also see the projects you are invited to participate into in your Working zone under "invited projects".
Projects range from a few days to 6 months, but typically last 2 or 3 months. During that time the questionnaire will be open. But off course, questions will be closed successively. So act fast to be the first to answer and reap the low hanging fruits.
Yes. Most importantly, you are not allowed to breach any responsibilities for confidentiality which you might have. As long as these facts are not already in the public domain, you can not comment on your own current employer. You also have to obey any restrictions that a former employer might have given you or other 3rd parties. You are responsible yourself for identifying what you can and can not answer on InDiCu. That is true for questions where you know or don’t know the answer. But at the same time you also have to verify what you are allowed to share and what not.
For more details, please refer to the terms and conditions.
In this case, you have 2 options:
- You refer your contact to us: You invite that person to sign up on InDiCu.
- You collect the answers from that person, and enter them yourself: We are interested in the correct answers only. The only condition is that the person who provides you with the correct answers also respects the InDiCu terms and conditions. If you use this option, it is your responsibility to assure that the information comes from a legal and ethical source. E.g. you can send us a publication which you found, but which was not written by yourself.
We leave this largely up to you. You are the expert. Fundamentally, you might already know the answer, or you need to research it. If you have to research it, you might use primary research (“talking to people who know”), or you might use secondary research, which includes all sources that have already been documented in some form or another (Internet is one of them). No matter which method you chose, you have to comply with our terms and conditions.
- Your contributions are directly send to InDiCu.
- Once you require the payment InDiCu will advise the fiduciary to pay you.
- The fiduciary will wire the money directly to your personal bank account as the most convenient method for you.
Any questions concerning the content of your work, amount of payment etc. are to be discussed with InDiCu:info@indicu.com.
Any questions concerning the wire transfer itself are to be clarified with the fiduciary
You will be paid after you required it within 30 days, but no more than once a month.
We try to avoid interim payments to minimize fees for wire transfer, currency exchange etc.
You should contact directly our fiduciary on www.fiduciary-ter-haar.com
- This depends entirely on you. The full answer to a question is typically priced at 10 – 100 € (~RMB 100 – 1000). A typical project might have 80 – 100 questions. We don’t set limits to how many questions you can answer, or which ones. We believe you know best which ones have a good ratio of price to effort for you. You can also participate in multiple projects if you are qualified for them.
- Our payments are result based, not time based. Therefore, if you have the answer or know where to find it quickly, the hourly payment can be very attractive. It simply depends on you.
In principle the answer is yes. The origin of income is France. If this income is taxable in your own country depends on your countries legislation and potentially double taxation agreements between your country and France. InDiCu declines any responsibility for your personal income tax. You are responsible for declaring applicable income through InDiCu under the laws of your country.
- InDiCu is interested in your insights only. We believe that many people can be experts, irrespectively of their rank.
- We also believe that opinions are most sincere when given in an anonymous fashion; this way, you can express your true thoughts and don’t have to consider what other people could think of your opinion.
- We work together with a fiduciary. The fiduciary is a single, trustworthy person. In fact, we work with P. ter Haar, lawyer and Master of Business Administration.
- P. ter Haar does not belong to InDiCu, but is a service provider to InDiCu. His only role consists in safeguarding your personal data and facilitating your payment.
- He is the only single person to know both your user name and bank account information. On the other hand, he has no access to what you were asked or what you delivered.
- Your contributions are directly send to InDiCu. Your answers will be evaluated by our team and you will be informed of the payment amount you will get from your answers. Once you required your payment InDiCu will advise the fiduciary P. ter Haar how much to pay you.
- The link is the anonymous user name that both InDiCu and P. ter Haar know.
- InDiCu actually pays P. ter Haar for keeping your personal data confidential, even and including from InDiCu.
- Most other companies will guarantee you that your personal data is safe with them. But there is an unknown number of people with access to it within the company. We at InDiCu want to make it as safe as possible for you: There is only one single person who knows your identity, and you know who that is: The Fiduciary, who is not part of InDiCu. It doesn’t get any safer than this.